I thought I would even try out some clouds. Sorry about the darkness. It was night time when I took the photo. The cottage is very dark in winter.
Complete with a few new leaves.
I am quite happy with how my little tree turned out. Wanna see all my owls in their new home? Of course you do!
Don't they look sweet? The last couple of photo's were taken outside where the light was better and I could show the colours more accurately.
I was going to crochet some owls to add to my tree. But seeing them up there, I have changed my mind. If any more owls make their way to me before the end of this RAOK I will happily add them to my tree (I can see a few branches where some owls could nest without looking crowded), but I am not going to add any of my own.
My Special Art Project is not complete yet. I have a picture in my mind of how I want it to look. But first I need to do some dreaded sewing. My Filet Swap Project is complete. It just needs some hand sewing and it will be in the post today along with my three pledged squares for August's biggest square. Like usual I am cutting it close to the line. But I plan on completing my pledge for September's biggest square early. If I do or not is another story.