Earlier in the week I received a gorgeous package in the mail all the way from Poland as part of the Holiday RAOK on Crochetville.
In the few years I have been a member at the 'Ville I have received packages from several different countries, but this was the first time I have received anything from Poland. To say I was excited was an understatement!
In the package was some gorgeous handmade gifts. A miniature felt stocking with the cutest snowman applique and pom poms. Three gorgeous snowflakes and a card with a beautiful angel attached to the front. They go so well together that it will be a shame to separate them this Christmas for the few weeks the angel will be adorning my tree.
Thank you so much my new friend. You do beautiful work!
Yesterday we spent a couple of hours pulling down our tree and the other decorations. I always feel a little flat at this time of year after the excited anticipation dies away. My children were feeling the same, albeit for a different reason. My youngest son commented that he wished it was Christmas every week; that way he will get new toys every week. I mentally patted myself on the back when my eldest son lectured him on how Christmas isn't about material things, then ruined it by finishing with, "but that would be awesome." I told them that if they wanted Christmas to last longer this year we could do it. My two eldest children, who know Santa doesn't exist, were thrilled with the idea. At least until I told them that this year they could open one present a week and see how many weeks it lasted. That idea didn't go down too well. Instead we decided that once a month we will do a Christmas decoration craft while listening to carols and snacking on fruit cake.
I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and New Year!